I don’t know if I was the only one who was a fan of dragonflies, was it just me that admired those wonderful creatures. I remember back then when I was younger, I saw them as helicopters. The way they took off, flew and even landed. Every day after school there was a part of the house I used to go just watch them and there I did a whole lot of imaginations.

Times passed and a couple of months ago It dawned on me that my treasured fly-friends were extinct as I hadn’t set eyes on any for years. It bugged me a lot, I had heard of Rhinos, Elephants, Hippos and all sorts of wild animals going extinct. Now it was my favourite fly species. I didn’t know who to tell, I didn’t know who had a thing for Dragonflies like I did. What were they going to say, laugh me off, or just shrug it off?

This matter kept reoccurring in my mind, I started getting conscious of my environment maybe I was even going to see one or two and maybe capture them and cross them to keep them from going extinct

On a faithful Saturday afternoon during a prayer meeting with folks in church. I looked up for no reason and there on the ceiling looking down at me was this beauty, with a slender body, transparent wings and beautiful eyes. A dragonfly just few inches above my head.

Dragonfly-Cordulegaster boltonii-sv-07-06-09

At that moment so many things flashed in my head. I could hear it say “Hello….I am not extinct…….for whatever the Lord Doeth, it shall be for ever”. And immediately I remembered the Bible passage that says “Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or THINK!!!!!” (Ephesians 3:20)

THINK-Yes it has been on my mind for so long, and God sees our hearts. That was already an answer to my prayers that day. God had spoken through my thoughts. And He said “I am as near to you as the air you breathe, I haven’t gone extinct like many think, am just a thought away, and whatever I do shall be forever, if I have redeemed you from sin then you are free from sin.”

What is it that you might be going through? That you have shut your mind, the thought of it alone scares you. But remember He said “But without thy mind would I do nothing” (Philemon 1:14) He also said “Come now, and let us REASON together” (Isaiah 1:18). Rather than focus your thoughts on that issue of concern, channel it to God. Note that even when I failed to share this with anyone, I also didn’t share it with Jesus (even when I saw Him as The best friend), he still showed up. That shows how many things we are going to get done, how many of our prayers would be answered when we choose to involve Christ in everything we do.

God is nearer than we think and He has never stopped loving us.

6 thoughts on “DRAGONFLIES

  1. Tomi

    Great post!
    What came to mind was something I heard @ a conference last week.

    I believe God let you see the dragon fly just to show you that He cares about EVERY single desire of your heart. It may seem like He hasn’t answered your prayers about those needs that seem to be pressing, but I believe He just showed you in a very sweet way that He hears and knows about all your needs and He has answered them.

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